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January 30th, 2008
Hi Pretties, I'm so very happy to say we are finally recording again. And this time, we're making a CD! I'm calling this a "Baby" CD, cause it's bigger than a typical EP, and a bit smaller than the usual CD. I know, confusing, maybe a bit dumb, but you get used to it with me. We'll have 8 tracks, featuring two old songs (if you can call them that), and another six that have never been heard before. They're so fresh, and a bit different, but I think you'll like them. D got a new keyboard for his birthday/Christmas, so he's been having fun writing a lot of music. And of course, it always inspires me, so I've been able to come up with the lyrics. Hopefully, you'll want to sing along! Now, we have everything figured out except for a catchy title. we were thinking: Half-Wit. 8 Awkward Introuductions We're Sort of a Mess Jas Rollo...mmk You're Not Fat We're Not Creative any better ideas? Other than music, we're getting ready for the SUPERBOWL. Well, I am. I think Dennis is fencing that day. Dreamy... No Eagles(big surprise). But we got the Giants. And they're from New York, and I enjoy New York. But I have family in Massachusetts, and they definitely want me cheering on the Patriots. So I guess, I'm kinda torn? Who knows, the food should be amazing though... But I digress. And ramble. Oh, and Dennis wants to let you all know: "The CD will be great! I love you guys, and thanks for your support!" Well, that's all. We'll keep everyone updated so you know when/where you can get a baby cd!! Stay happy. Love, Marissa P.S- Oh, and if you can make it to any of the scheduled gigs we have, please come by! We'd love to see you. I give out free hugs. Dennis charges.

January 9th, 2008:We're Not Dead
Jas Rollo is still in existence. We are currently writing enough songs to fill four EPs or one really long Full Length album. Both Marissa and Dennis received musical equipment for Christmas and both have been experimenting and recording demos of their newest songs. Final acoustic tracks will be available in the near future hopefully. We are also auditioning and getting to know some bass players and keyboardists. If you play any instrument may it be guitar or bass or drums or bongos or mandolin or the ocarina or the flute or the trumpet or the triangle or the organ or anything you should IM or Email or message us If you want to join us in our magical journey of music. Thanks for your time. Sorry this sounded incredibly nerdy and desperate. : )

November 11th, 2007: Jas Rollo has been quite busy! Both Marissa and Dennis are taking care of business with their school work, which is real time consuming (blugh). But, being that they are musically obsessed, they are making the best of it, and the music is still coming! They have written a few more songs that they are eager to record, and also a couple songs that are almost complete. You can see Jas Rollo on December 8th at the Christmas House Tour event, along with other bands Kenny Con Queso (which is half Dennis)and Tyler Catanello. Other acts may be added! This event will be held in Rancocas, NJ at the Rancocas Community Center (203 Main Street Rancocas NJ 08073. i think that's the zip code anyway). The whole event will take place from 4PM-9PM, and the bands should start playing around 6. For $12, come enjoy the music and the holiday cheer! Besides this holiday show, Jas hopes to book new gigs, both in the NJ and PA area (most likely Doylestown PA, 18902. that zip i know for sure!). We'll definitely keep you updated. One last thing, start getting excited for their debut album which should be coming within the new year. Jas cannot wait to get to the studio and really start bringing everything together!! That's all for now! With love, Marissa & Dennis.

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